Well if you code at all with VB you know that M$ has killed support for VB6 more or less to force everyone to upgrade to .NET. I guess they need to make money somehow.. Well guess what? In lou of M$ Killing VB6, RealBasic has offered FREE (Yes, Totally FREE) version of RealBasic for your enjoyment. Why? Why the hell not? If you like to code in VB6 but are worried about the lack of support for M$, or (even better) you want learn to program windows Apps. REALBasic could be the answer to your prayers (could also be the cause of you throwing your monitor out the window.. Anger Management at work.. *Sigh*) ANYWAY.. Check it out!!
No really check it.. I MEAN CHECK IT! NOW!!! Damn it!!!
Awwww.. come on.. please? check it. *whimper*
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