Friday, April 29, 2005


You know? I would if I could.. but then again, I like to fuck with people.. ;)

or the seven types of woman...

Thought of the day: Would not paying a hooker after sex be thought of shop lifting?

Thursday, April 28, 2005

"Never underestimate a pigeon carrying a memory card, hovering above your head, ready to download"-yossi vardi
Now THIS is just funny!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

ok, WTF?! Now we need a God damn V-Chip for your PC? HEY!!! ASS-HATS! tell you what.. if you BE a PARENT to your rug rats you don't need things like a V-CHIP. Jesus, figure out what your brat is doing for a change. Be apart of their lives, and you won't have NEARLY as many issues.

*SIGH* Why bother with this shit, since M$ doesn't FIX anything people bitch about. jesus, IE6 has been out for HOW many years, and there's STILL no proper PNG support?! Come on!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

On 4/25/05, in a significant milestone for scientific grid computing, eight major computing centres successfully completed a challenge to sustain a continuous data flow of 600 megabytes per second (MB/s) on average for 10 days from CERN in Geneva, Switzerland to seven sites in Europe and the US. The total amount of data transmitted during this challenge—500 terabytes—would take about 250 years to download using a typical 512 kilobit per second household broadband connection.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Dude... I knew I shouldn't have eaten those Burritos last night.. God, my butt hurts.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

OH THE HUMANITY!!! Who is going to fucked up the goat hole for this beer abuse?

Mommy? Oh SHHHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...
*sigh* yes, folks.. morons pop up again! This time it's a PRESS RELEASE that Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie have 'broken up' and are no longer best friends... What does this say to us?? That there are people that live in a world that can make PRESS RELEASES about their friends??!? Jesus Christ, I mean really. would this be something that would have been broadcast over the PA speaker in High School? 'Phil and Donna broke up today, because Phil no longer likes Donna and wants Mike' What the fuck. .. Stupid Humans.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I wanted to give a shout out to 'Mindi' (that's with an 'I' she's so stupid. ;) (inside joke)

Monday, April 18, 2005

And open letter to telemarketers...
WHY THE FUCK are you calling me? I didn't buy my phone to allow you to call me almost any time of day to ask if I want to see the latest in sports wear. If I had business with your company (or the company you work for) then THERE call center would be contacting me, not your sorry ass. It fucked up to think that I'M PAYING for a service that allows fucktards like you to contact me for no other reason then to try to get me to spent my money on your company. Excuse me? If I want a product I'll go to the fucking store and buy it. I don't need you to tell me how great something is.
*sigh* this is another example of stupid humans in 'business' AND so called government. Why is it that you buy a service. but then need to TELL the company that you don't want unsolicited calls? Now, how stupid is that. Shouldn't your number already BE on a 'don't call list' unless you say that you want idiots calling you?
tell you what.. I'll listen to your sales pitches.. I'll read your spam Emails.. I'll even read the stupid shit you put in my mail box, under one condition. PAY ME FOR IT. MY time is valuable, and comes out to $100 (US) per hour with a minimum of one hour.
If you don't want to pay, that's fine also.. then you better expect to be able to shit better that night after I rip you a new ass hole.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Hey sometimes even 'The PogoWolf' needs to get in touch with the child inside...

Isn't THAT the damn truth? Since 'Crul and unusal' punishment is illeagal in the US.. perhaps we should start sueing the State for this bull shit...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Damn it's been a slow week for news and other things to prove how dumb people are (including myself) Seems I'm starting to get some hits!! WOOT!!!! Tell your friends!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Well there we are.. PROOF of what would happen if humans had flying cars.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Ok, really.. THAT's just cool
Ok, I need to find something to bitch about.. Who can help?!?!

Just kinda makes you wonder doesn't it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Whenever a paranormal event occurs, it is said that there's a slight variation in the magnetic field. The GhostRadar USB drive detects these physical changes, so that ghosts (unknown bodies of energy) can be detected. In order to boost the accuracy of detection, a bio-clock is built-in with criterion for time elements for repetitive paranormal activity such as the witching hour, new moon and full moon. When a ghost is detected, sounds will play plus patterns from a 16 light LED display will flash. There's also an attachable protective amulet when for the magnetic field
 Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

She's Like a Flame.

Ok, let's shake things up a bit. ;)

Written on 09/05/2003, 'She's like a Flame' was inspired by a co-worker. A very beautiful woman, with a fiery attitude which made me think to my self.. How would you compare fire to woman? This was the result.
-The PogoWolf

She is a flame
Dancing in the darkness
Feeding upon the earth
Swirling upon the winds

Red hair flows about her face
Beautiful crystal green eyes
Sparkle in her light
A white hot smile That could melt the soul

Movement of grace and beauty
Dancing in the winds
She can captivate a person
Staring into the flames..

The heat is almost breath taking.
But I can not turn away from
The beauty of her dance...

How do you dance with a flame?
To hold the fire in your hands.
Staring into it's beauty
With out getting burned.

Do I dare dance with the fire?
To feel the heat on my body
To succumb to the heat

Copyright @ 2003 - The PogoWolf

Friday, April 08, 2005

What the hell?!??!!!!!! BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYCOTT!!!!!! HOW could these morons do this to us?? I mean really.. Do they think a child is THAT FUCKING STUPID?! Come on! Give the kids a break. Just tell the kid that Cookie monster is a monster the lives on cookies.. he's different from you and me. and be done with it. But changing one of the oldest characters?! ANYONE REMEMBER 'NEW' COKE?!!?!? Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

This says it all. Posted by Hello
Visual Basic Vs REALBasic.
Well if you code at all with VB you know that M$ has killed support for VB6 more or less to force everyone to upgrade to .NET. I guess they need to make money somehow.. Well guess what? In lou of M$ Killing VB6, RealBasic has offered FREE (Yes, Totally FREE) version of RealBasic for your enjoyment. Why? Why the hell not? If you like to code in VB6 but are worried about the lack of support for M$, or (even better) you want learn to program windows Apps. REALBasic could be the answer to your prayers (could also be the cause of you throwing your monitor out the window.. Anger Management at work.. *Sigh*) ANYWAY.. Check it out!!

No really check it.. I MEAN CHECK IT! NOW!!! Damn it!!!
Awwww.. come on.. please? check it. *whimper*
Posted by Hello

Random Thought: God, I love warmer weather.. and a THANK YOU to all the clothing companies that make SUCH fine clothes for the Hotties to wear. Posted by Hello

THE BEST.. and I mean BEST program I've ever seen to be able to keep snippits of Infomation. From Text, to Code, to HTML, to Files.. EVERYTHING all sorted nice and neat in your tree view. Plug-ins even allow you to download web pages and store the information. If you where ever looking for a knowledge base.. THIS IS YOUR PROGRAM!!!! Tell 'em PogoWolf Sent you. ;) Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

So this is what happends when you mix Vigra into the gasoline... Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005

Look at that.. Is she a gusher or what? Posted by Hello

First off I need to state something about my definition of a 'fucktard' below.
Perhaps you would like a visual? well, here you go....

Now for the real post:
LOL!!!!!!! ok, this is some funny shit.
Ok what the MPAA is trying to say is:
Well, since you DL'd this movie for free we are losing money and you're taking the food off the table
of everyone involved in the money industry, and you are a bad-bad person.

like the $621,264,893 that you made last FUCKING WEEKEND (Weekend Beginning March 25, from
isn't enough?? And THAT's only the TOP 10!!! WTF, Mate? THE TOP TEN.
Can you just think about all the bitches I could get to sniff my butt and lick the Pogostick?
and the MMPA bitchs they are losing money..

*SIGH* That site might stop some AOHELLer.. or perhaps a mommy and daddy that don't know there ass from a C Prompt..
but for those in the 'know' (which is most of the Internet BTW) all I'm reading is an asshat farting in the wind. Posted by Hello

Definition of a 'Fucktard'

Due to some of you not being about to understand some of my words, I have thought I could help you in some little way:

Fucktard noun Fuk*tard
Someone who is so stupid by default that to call them a retard would be an insult to those retarded everywhere. Their ignorance and lack of redeeming factors make them fucktards.

WARNING: Beer Contains Female Hormones

Yesterday, scientists for Health Canada suggested that men should take a look at their beer consumption, considering the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer.

The theory is that drinking beer makes men turn into women. To test the finding, 100 men were fed 6 pints of beer each.

It was then observed that 100% of the men:
  1. Gained weight
  2. Talked excessively without making sense
  3. Became overly emotional
  4. Couldn't drive
  5. Failed to think rationally
  6. Argued over nothing
  7. And refused to apologize when wrong.
