Friday, April 01, 2005

First off I need to state something about my definition of a 'fucktard' below.
Perhaps you would like a visual? well, here you go....

Now for the real post:
LOL!!!!!!! ok, this is some funny shit.
Ok what the MPAA is trying to say is:
Well, since you DL'd this movie for free we are losing money and you're taking the food off the table
of everyone involved in the money industry, and you are a bad-bad person.

like the $621,264,893 that you made last FUCKING WEEKEND (Weekend Beginning March 25, from
isn't enough?? And THAT's only the TOP 10!!! WTF, Mate? THE TOP TEN.
Can you just think about all the bitches I could get to sniff my butt and lick the Pogostick?
and the MMPA bitchs they are losing money..

*SIGH* That site might stop some AOHELLer.. or perhaps a mommy and daddy that don't know there ass from a C Prompt..
but for those in the 'know' (which is most of the Internet BTW) all I'm reading is an asshat farting in the wind. Posted by Hello

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