Thursday, March 23, 2006

Humans.. Got to love 'them.

Yahoo answers has always been a great source of fun for me... and this as another perfect example. One nice lady had a simple question: "Can you be a Christian and a witch?"

to which I replied:
*sigh* before you are ripped a new one by other 'Christians'. (I'm sorry Too late.. =( )Yes you can be both Christan, and Wiccan. In reality Christians and Wiccans worship the same way. The people just use different terms for it. Spell casting = Praying. The God and the Goddess are different halves of one being which is 'God' they have a Bible.. Wiccans have a book of shadows. Its all SS/DD (that's Same S%!T, Different Day)and hell yes, Christians worship other 'figures' besides God. Jesus and Mary are one. Look at all the saints.. etc. but man I wish people would get over there 'My God can beat up your God mentality'

When I started to reply I was like 4th in line.. that post was placed like 20th.

and I thought I was good to go... How wrong I was..

I received a private Email from a person saying:
"Christians do things other than God, Jesus is God, aka the trinity, Mary is never worshiped, she is just the virgin who gave birth to god, praying isn't a spell, because its only "talking" to God, trying to receive answers THROUGH HIS miracles not ours. I don't want this to sound offensive, I was just stating the facts, next time DO SOME ACTUAL research, because you were incorrect.

To which I replied:
No Jesus is NOT God. Jesus is the SON of God. There's a difference. Some sects do ask Mary for favors.. This is worship. Praying is spell casting . Just under a different name.. Do you not request God to perform some action in your name? That's a Spell. Did you know that Christmas was a pagan holiday? and Originally had NOTHING do to with the birth of Jesus? Sounds like you are a stout christian. And I give you a thumbs up for having a believe. But I suggest that YOU do some research outside your specific Sect and try to see the light in those ideas and thoughts also.

Figuring I would get a reply I just sit back and wait. SURE enough:
I have. And technically Jesus is God in a matter of speaking, it takes too much to explain and I'm sure you don't care about my opinion. Another, my mom is a religious scholar and minister, I have every book on every religion and I sat down, and read and read and read, and Christianity is the only thing that made sense to me. Here's a website about the trinity God being the same as Jesus please visit.

So now I have my reply:
As a matter of speaking.. isn't that all we are arguing about in the first place? It's all a matter of
THOUGHTS and THEROYS, nothing more. As for your opinion, of course I care. That's how
people grow and learn. You ask questions. You try to understand where another person
is coming from. You walk a mile in their shoes. in the end will I change my mind? perhaps.
perhaps not. Depends on what rings true to me.

However, it's hard to debate theory with someone when they start off with an obvious lie. There's no way this side (or that side) of hell that you have read "every book on every religion" and then argue that praying isn't spell casting. If you had you would also know how many Christan holidays are based on pagan rituals. You would understand that Wicca has been around A LOT longer then Christianity has. You would see the blood and death of Christianity because of fear, greed, and being holier then thou. To me, it sounds like you've done too much reading and not enough thinking. The answers you seek are inside you, not in a book.

You state that Christianity is the only thing that makes sense to you. That's where we differ.
to me Christianity makes no sense because of all the hypocritical things that have happened
over the course of the religion coming into power over the people. How many millions have
died by the hand of God only because he/she was mad over something? How many cultures have have whipped off the face of the earth in 'Gods' name? How many millions have been killed by humans in the name of God.. Yet.. the 10 commandments. The HIGHEST ranking law in Christian Dogma stats quite clearly.. 'Thou shalt not Kill' Where does it say "but it's OK in my name?"

There's a group of Christians in my State that are picking and protesting at military personal funerals. protesting at the place of rest for the men and woman that have given there lives
for our country.. and they are protesting because they 'somehow' think that God is killing
them off because America is lenient towards homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?!
and WHERE in the bible does it say anything about homosexual's being 'evil'? as a matter of fact there's quite a few stories in the bible about same sex relationships and sex. (Noah is one)

and above all else, where as most Christians don't go door to door saying 'Believe this or God will smite you', there's a nice large band of them that like to push there believes on anyone that doesn't believe the same way they do. Again, so my thoughts and ideas don't matter because they go against what you believe?

I did go to the website, and must ask a major question here. If God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one in the same.. then you must say that man killed God, now how is that possible? Also didn't Jesus preach time and time again "do not worship me, worship my Father?" and didn't Moses speak with God more then once.. Why didn't God just take a human form? wouldn't that have been easier?

and if you REALLY want to push the whole '3 aspects' of God, then aren't you agreeing with me about the God and Goddess being different aspects of one God?

YOU replied to the woman that asked the original Question:
"Okay, Wicca is not evil witchcraft, they practice pratical spells I guess you would say they aren't evil, but to me, because I am a christian witchcraft period is evil.Here is a specific verse:"There shall not be found among you anyone who make his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead for all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:10) "

Huh? Wicca is not evil, but because you are Christan Wicca is evil? Only because you are Christan? So, what you are saying is.. you're HEART (one aspect of God) is saying that
Wicca is fine. no problems. Yet your Mind (another Aspect of God) is saying that it's evil.
but.. your mind GOT those ideas from another MAN. Not God. So how can you be so sure that Wicca is evil? OOOHHH yeah.. you've got a verse to back it up.

OK, that verse is saying a couple of things here. Do you even believe that 'Spells' are real?
well I guess they where because it's in the BIBLE!! right there.. blank and white. Deuteronomy 18:10 tells you that if you are caught practicing it.. then you are an abomination to the lord.. so that proves then that A) Spell craft is real. If it wasn't real.. then why the rule? and B) JESUS CHRIST IS AN ABOMINATION TO THE LORD.

*SHOCK* How can I say that? Who raised people from the dead? Who transmuted water into wine? WHO knew the outcome of a number of events before they happened? WHO talked to spirits? WHO rose from the dead?!

and since you believe that Jesus was God.. then God is an Abomination onto himself, and above all else a hypocrite.

and you say "Christianity is the only thing that made sense to me"?


Anonymous said...

Okay, the "trinity" where Jesus is God is really hard to explain, but no, humans did not kill god. Its a complicated thing, and I'm honest to say I can't explain it and I'm sorry. Secondly, God used to walk with humans, he walked side by side with Adam and Eve, but God cannot be in the presence of sin, thereofre when Adam and Eve sinned he left the presense of the Earth. Also on my wiccan comment, I have a wiccan friend, he explained it to me as in books, that wiccan is not evil, they do pratical spells, that's all I was implieing, but to me I think witchcraft is evil and a sin, if that made sense? Also, I believe that Prayer is just communication to the Lord, like talkin on the phone, God already knows whats happening therefore I cannot undestand why it would be a spell. ANd Homosexuality is a sin and there is quite a few verses that talk about how it is a sin. And I know spells are real, but that doesn't make them, right. I don't know, I guess I'm good at explaining myself. I'm not pushing you to believe in God, I'm just trying to state my facts, I hope intern you will someday see the Truth, but you don't have to. But if you do pose any questions, I will answer, but, I want you to know, I didn't mean anything offensive, I just have problems EXPLAINING my point to people who aren't, but I'm trying because I want to spread the Gospel, I dunno.

PogoWolf said...

Trust me, I have issues also from time to time trying to explain what I mean.. it sounds so logical, complete, and great in my mind.. and looks like something a monkey would draw when I write it.

No Wicca isn't 'evil' as much as a gun isn't evil. It's the person that welds it that's the problem.

Religion isn't evil, but it can be used for evil purposes. it's to easy to become corrupted when you have the power to corrupt.

Personally, I don't believe God is Good.. to me God is a mixture of Good and Evil. (again, different aspects) You can't have good with out evil. You can't have Evil with out good. There would be nothing to compare Good Vs Evil if that wasn't the case.

However, God Created Satan and evil. or there wouldn't have been the snake in the apple tree.

yes there are verses about how HomoSexually is a sin.. Yet there's a number of verses that talk about it. Mostly in a good way. Personally I think that MAN made that a sin. not God.

again, God creates everything and loves his creations.. so why is homosexuality a sin?

and again, as long as you are not personally attacking me I take no offense to anything you wish to say. This is a free country and I respect you right to say what's on your mind as much as I respect that I have the right to speak my own mind. =)

but what is 'the truth'? have you ever asked yourself.. "What if I'm wrong, and Pogo over here is right?" That's not to say what I have been saying is 'right' also.. just right for me. =)

Anonymous said...

I understand where your coming from in everything as you know I'm going to say BUT; God did not create evil. Now you're asking, uh, Satan haha. No. See one of God's many gifts to ANYTHING HE CREATES is FREEWILL. They can choose to obey, love, cherish God, or to well you know. Satan made himself evil, he was a chief angel, actually second to God but because of his pride he turned against God. Satan MADE HIMSELF evil by DISOBEYING GOD. That was not an act of God. God probably knew this was going to happen, but he loves us unconditinally and gave us Free Will. Hopefully that made sense, because I find that people often forget that even the angels of the free will to follow God or Satan.

Okay secondly, homosexuality, I've always been strung both ways, but it is true, God did not make Adam and Steve, and I have nothing against people are Gay, but I do tell them about what the bible said. God did say that homosexuality is wrong. "For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves and penalty of their error which was due," Romans 1:26-27 says." And that's where I stand, and also because a majority of them aren't married, it is pre-marital sex which is adultry which is a sin. So I guess you can see where I come from there?

And if as you are saying if God loves us so much, why is anything a sin? Again takes it back to Adam and Eve, they sinned therefore God could not be in the presense of sin. This is where sin came from, which God has talked to many of his Disciples, Moses, ect to proclaim these sins in his name. And anything the Devil brings, hatred, temptation, ect is obviously a sin, because the Devil is know as the Father of Evil. But because God loves us unconditionally, including Adam and Eve, whom he clothed as they were banished from the Garden of Eden, well he sent his only son, so that we may be forgivin for our sins. So now all we have to do is "hey God I did this, I know its a sin, I won't do it again, la de dah, forgive me?" And he does. This is because he loves us, he doesn't want us to leave him, but its our free will to go and sin.
I mean there are passages where God even loves Satan, and no now you're going to say, well that's evil, its not, God wished that Satan wouldn't have turn on him, but he did. And because of that sin arrised, but okay now I'm rambling, I EXPECT A COMMENT BACK aha!

PogoWolf said...

Of course you are going to get a comment back.. =)

You said: "God did not create evil." I must point out that yes, he did. See Since God is omnipotent and omnipresent.. he/she knows everything that has happened, and everything that will happen. He already knew that Lucifer was going to turn on him.. So why did he create him in the first place? Why would a Good and Just ruler of mankind want to bring strive in to their lives?
Again, since God created everything.. and we have evil in the world, then God must have created that also. Mankind didn't create the forbidden fruit. God did that himself.
Lucifer was only there to trick eve into eating it.. so you really could say that the root of all sin was caused by women, and man just went long for the ride because we love them. huh.. there's a thought.


True, but two questions here.. A) if God is 'all powerful' why does he need angles in the first place? and B) Again, if God is omnipresent.. he would have known that Lucifer would turn against him when he created him.. so there for, God created Evil.

You can't have 'freewill' if your lord is omnipresent.. he's knows when you will mess up LONG before you made the choice to.. so how is that free will? You have a choice, yes. but God already knows the outcome...

"but he loves us unconditionally"
Then why would people that practice witchcraft be an abomination on to the lord? if he loves us no matter what we do, and we try to live a good life.. does it really matter what 'man' thinks about his/her brother?

True God did not create Adam and Steve. But God did create them also as brothers and sisters. is it nothing more then someone concerned for their Soul? or just thinking it's sick?

the Bible also talks about a number of same sex relationships
like Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, and Daniel and Ashpenaz.
Let alone Noah's son getting drunk after the flood and having sex with Noah. But there's no data to say that they where an 'abomination on to the lord'

and the 10 commandments are the rules of God, yes/no? Those are the commands that God set down for his people. There's nothing about
gays in there. Those are the words of God.. isn't it possible that all the other 'rules' are the rules of man? Of what MAN thinks God wants?

"it is pre-marital sex which is adultery which is a sin."

How is Per-Marital sex Adultery?
Adultery means: "Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse." Married is the keyword there.

Pre-Martial sex is just that.. Pre-Martial sex. Personally, I don't agree with people being sluts and pimps.. but I also don't see a problem with showing someone how much you love them.. if you truly love them. Personally, I don't like sex. I like making love.. there's a big difference. If you can't love yourself, and you don't experiment with what feels good, how can you satisfy your partner when you are married?

"God could not be in the presence of sin."

I disagree there.. that therefore also means that God is NOT all powerful. Sin is like Gods kryptonite. Just get enough sin around and God can't touch you.. which we all know is B.S. For example, there was enough sin on the earth to make God want to kill us all.. so he sent the flood. He could be close enough start it raining.. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God was close enough to destroy the city because they where sinners. (which also proves, since Abraham knew of the cities destruction before hand, that Abraham was also an abomination on to the lord)

"Devil is know as the Father of Evil. "

See, I would like to know the story behind that one.. Now how could the right hand Angel of God.. all of a sudden go 'You know? I'm God now' and then turn into the father of evil? He was God's right hand.. God's #1 Angel. So close to God and therefore Goodness.. how can you flip out to the opposite polar like that?

"God loves us unconditionally, including Adam and Eve"

Ok, here's another one for you.. Ok Adam and Eve where the only humans on earth.. how did two people populate the earth? Wouldn't there Sons and Daughters had to have had sex in order to increase the population? Wouldn't incest also be a sin? so how'd that happen?

"well he sent his only son, so that we may be forgiven for our sins. "

and now you said 'SON' not one of his aspects.. You just said that Jesus wasn't God.. he was the SON of God.. ;)

"So now all we have to do is "hey God I did this, I know its a sin, I won't do it again, la de dah, forgive me?" And he does."

and I think that's Bull shit.
You sin, I've sinned.. we've ALL sinned.. depending on who you speak with. Hell I bet there are some people that think you are a sinner because you and I are even talking about this. I know there are people that believe I'm a sinner just because I don't believe everything I read. But really.. to spend your entire life sinning to God.. and then turn around and "hehe.. look I'm sorry God.. I really F-ed up.. and I'm really sorry' and all is forgiven? No. What about some serial-murder that rapes and brutally kills 20 people? dismembers them.. rapes them.. steals the life from them slowly.. painfully.. Should that person really be able to go "oops!!! I'm sorry God.. I won't do it again" Hell no. they should burn in deepest, hottest part of hell for that until they can REALLY repent.

and no, I wouldn't say that God loving Satan is 'evil' my believe is Good needs Evil.. and Evil needs Good in order to exist. So of course in some way God loves Satan. it keeps the balance. everything is about Balance.

"God wished that Satan wouldn't have turn on him, but he did."

True.. but then why did God create him in the first place then? Why not just create the Angel 'Bob' and know that he wouldn't turn on you?

Again, free will means nothing when you already know the outcome.. it's not really free will. You think you have a choice.. but you really don't.

what that means is either
A) We just THINK we have free-will
and God is letting all the
famine, war, death, hatred, etc
happen to us, waiting for us
to make a choice that he already
knows when and where we are
going to make it, like some
grand scheme, or experiment.

B) We really DO have total free
will and God really Doesn't know
what we are going to do.. which
makes God A LOT less powerful.

It also means that it doesn't
matter what we do, and God
can't really 'forgive' us for
anything, because he really
doesn't know what we are going
to do in the first place.

it's like your parents.. they
love you also no matter what you
do.. but how can they forgive
for something they don't know
you did? You've got the free
will to do what you want..
but only you know you did it.

Perhaps God does love us no matter what.. but then I still think he hates the human race because of
the choices God allowed us to have
in the first place. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you can live with them.. also doesn't mean you must like them. I know a few people that I really don't 'like', I don't like to hang with them.. I just put up with them.. Do I love them? of course.. would I wish them harm? of course not. Do I want to be all buddy buddy and go eat ice cream, laugh, and frolic in the grassy meadow? no.

Anonymous said...

God's angels are his messengers just as..the president has his cabinent! He doesn't need them, but he wants them. Angels are God's connection to the world.

And as I said before, God sent his son, which is him, which is really hard to explain. I know I've stated the "trinity" quite a few times, but its something that you'd have to read, because its long, difficult. But even though Jesus is God's son, Jesus is God the "I AM". Ugh, that ones a rough topic! And of course God knows all, but see the thing is, I'm talking about "free will" as in God isn't forcing us to worship him, right? God is throwing lightning bolts at us because we are sinners right? So therefore that's technically he's giving us the choice.

Witchcraft - This is one I'm not good at explaining it, probably because I've never been one ya know? BUT, I know that spells ect are an abomination to the Lord, because its 'works of the devil not the lord' (sounded good in my head?) But the Lord specifically says that this is blasphemy of him. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love them, I mean come on he loves Satan.. but is Satan good? no. =)

Adam and Eve and their children - Yes. They were incest. And I would like you to know why they could even though now it would be genectically impossible to be okay. Okay... Adam and Eve started out as perfection .. agreed? when they sinned eating the apple from the tree, since it was the first sin we'll say they were 'tainted'. So they went from perfect - imperfect in a split second. Agreed? Okay, Now they were to fruit the earth, see Adam lived for 930 yrs according to the bible (useful later) okay anyway, they were told by God 'to fruit the earth' obviously get their funk on and make kids agreed? good! lol. Now throughout that process sisters were marrying brothers so on. BECAUSE adam and eve were first, their sin wasn't as uh, we'll put the term 'bad as it is now' their childern were genetically okay. Catch mah? Okie, so then, obviously since Adam lived so long, their were lost families ya know like death and stuff, so basically breeding out into new families, sound okay? After I think Cain and his wife, God declared incest a sin, because the earth was probably fully populated ya know? So that's that. Hopefully that made sense..

Sin- This seems to be a rather sensitive subject with non-christians, but sin is existent. God is all powerful even in front of sinners - the point being made was that God is holy and we are not. Okie I guess that's not very good, but you seem smart and should understand that lol. When someone is purley Holy they are perfect, and when someone is 'dirty' the Holy cannot stand to be around them. I think that made sense aha! And technically even a robber of the worst kinds can repent recall Jesus' death. The robber saw God's mercy and he was saved..hopefully you knew that!

Now, I know there is a few homo couples in the Bible, but as I said the world was tainted with sin. Just cause they did it doesn't mean it was right. And I know I got that whole thing wrong about the adultry, I miss typed aha but what I typed was true, pre-marital sex is against the bible. Pre-marital sex is fornification in God's eyes.

Paul writes in I Corinthians 6:9-11, "Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God".

But see that's where forgivness also comes in.

Because you are right God loves us all, he wants us to be with him in the NEW WORLD and his kingdom, but we must cleanse 'wash away our sins' Jesus died so that murderers and rapists and even the plain ol' person could be saved. Because God wants us with him, but he will not force us!