Monday, March 27, 2006

Drunkard kills himself over meatless dinner - Yahoo! News

AHMEDABAD, India (Reuters)

A jobless alcoholic burned himself to death after his wife refused to serve him meat for dinner, Indian police said Sunday.

Sixty-year-old Mithailal Ram Sanjivan doused his body with an inflammable liquid and set himself ablaze outside his one-room house in Ahmedabad, the main city of western Gujarat state. Police said the victim, who had been without a job for years, and his wife, Geeta Sanjivan, 54, had a scuffle over the dinner menu.

The wife refused to cook meat as they could not afford it. Irritated by this, Sanjivan locked her in the house before setting himself on fire outside. "

That sounds like the old Joke of a guy that comes home, catchs his wife in bed with another man, grabs a gun and puts it to his mouth. The wife screams, 'NO! please don't!' to where the man replies "shut up, you female dog, after me your next."

Where I feel sorry for the wife, God I hope they didn't breed.

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