Friday, March 10, 2006

RANT: Feds suggest 21-day deadline for Google subpoena | Tech News on ZDNet

Woot I get to rant!!!
Feds suggest 21-day deadline for Google subpoena Tech News on ZDNet

ok.. WHAT THE FUCK?! Why in the HELL would the goverment want to know the surfing habits of million people? that's less then 1% of the populace.. those numbers wouldn't mean jack anyway.
I think Bush just wants to find the best porn sites, and getting the links from a million porn surfers
would make quick work of those hard to find GOOD sites.

the biggest scare here is this:
"In January, the Justice Department asked a judge to force Google to hand over a "random sample of 1 million" Web pages from its index, and copies of a week's worth of search terms, to aid in the Bush administration's defense of an Internet pornography law."

Followed by:
"No individual user of Google, or of any other search engine, need fear that his or her personal identifying information will be disclosed."

Now wait.. you JUST said that you wanted one week worth of surfing habits for 1 million PEOPLE.. yeah.. then you are saying that no personal identifying information will be disclosed? what about the IP addresses you fucktards. We all know those can be traced back to PEOPLE.. that's what the RIAA does in order to sue likee 9 year olds for downloading the last great barbie MP3.

This shit has GOT to stop.. There's no reason to be SPYING on your own people.. We fought long and hard in the old days to have freedom, and I don't need some bitch looking over my shoulder telling
me what can and can't do.. If I wanted that I would move from America to Cuba.

and why even WORRY about the whole porn thing in the first place? If you are looking for satan, you WILL find him. It's a fucking witch hunt on people that haven't even DONE anything.. isn't the American court system set up to be inocent until proven guilty? Now, it's like.. "fuck you.. as soon as you even THINK about stepping out of line, you're ass is mine.' Sounds like my fucking high school gym teacher.

God if you really are out there.. answer my prayers and force these ass hats to grow up?
Please? With sugar on top? perhaps a cherry? oh yeah.. and sorry for trying to sell
my soul for that bike back in 3th grade.. we good, right?

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