Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Spammers Beware.

Well I guess people are reading my blog!!! Woot!!!

Now why do those people need to be fucking jacktards that think that all I want to do with my life is read their fucking moronic Emails, and delete their stupid fucking posts?

Check this shit:
Anonymous said...
Martha says you just don't fit in. Or does she?The New York Post is reporting that Martha Stewart's Apprentice catch phrase, which she'll utter after she dismisses one of the contestants for not whipping the hollandaise sauce enough or whatever tasks ...This is a great blog with much good info.My main interest is genealogy, and I have written a genealogy book which you can find along with many articles at my site. I believe it's the only genealogy book of its kind, dealing specifically with search for noble ancestors.
9:23 AM

Jan-Olov said...
Excellent blog! If you also are interested in family search, take a look at this genealogy book. It's the only one of its kind.
9:24 AM

First off this ‘Jan-Olov’ must be a ignorant ass.

Really to think that
A) I give a shit.. (I’m mean really.. DO YOU FUCKING SEE ANYTHING ON MY BLOG THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH GENEALOGY, you fucktarded Asshat??! B) Thank you for wasting the few moments it took to not only delete your crap, but also write a post about it. You really where born stupid eh?

Anonymous said...
I was just blog surfing and ran across yours. Good job, I like it!SHOCKING Teeth Whiteningblog. It contains SECRET stuff about Teeth Whitening.Come and check it out if you dare ;-)
9:38 AM

Well thanks for liking it.. but as you can see I don't have any posts about teeth whitening,
nor do I care to destroy my teeth for you to make a couple of cents of me clicking on the
stupid link. Jesus I think spammers where all born from the same clef footed prostitute
named Cloe.. I mean really, are all spammers fucking stupid? I did request to be
spoken to about 'Teeth cleaning' or about my family history'? hmm.. NO!

YOU morons are the reason there should be a form I can fill out for justifiable homicide.
because you poor bastards need to A) get a real job. B) just need to die. and mostly C) Need to get out of my gene pool

*sigh*.. and these people are ALLOWED TO BREED!?

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