Monday, August 07, 2006

AOL Search Data Shows Users Planning to commit Murder. released a list of 20 million + searches by 500,000 AOL users. Contained in this list are social security numbers, credit cards and other personal information. There are some truly scary things in this database. User 17556639 is constantly trying to find ways of killing his wife.

I really just can't believe this. WHO was the moron that thought this would be a good idea?
law enforcement perhaps, but then again, I don't want big brother looking over my shoulder at any given time. We live in a FREE country, which means we take the good with the bad.
Some people (like spammers) are fucktards that should be removed from the gene pool.
we deal with it because most of the people out there are good natured people. Good with the bad. THIS, on the other hand, is just ASKING for the Goverment to control our ever day lives.

They say there's no way to 'track' you.. BS. If they have these logging data you can be damn sure they have your IP address. If they have your IP address, then they have your User/Pass. if they have your User/pass they have your account information that includes your name, and address.

Search for 'How to kill my wife' and have the cops on your door step in 30 seconds falt.
sounds good in theory doesn't it? What if you wheren't the the one the searched for it?
what if if was your wife? brother? some jack-ass that broke into your house?.. worse yet, some black hat that searchs AOL for those 'nasty' things.. but it's all coming from YOUR computer?!
you've been framed. What if 'how to kill my wife' was really a movie or a book title? Perhaps a snuff film?

Point is, there's no way for anyone to really know the context of which the search was done. yes it would be possible to save lives, but there's too many ass holes out there that will use that information for their own personal gain, misinformation, and getting people into trouble because they just don't like you.

Think about that one for a moment.. All of a sudden the bully at High School has all your personal information; your likes, dislikes, favorite routes to walk to and from school, your classes, friends names, license plate, football games, band contests.

This fucking scares the jeebus out of me.

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