Friday, June 17, 2005

OH HELL NO.. WHAT THE FUCK?! Like we don't have enough of our rights taken away because of the stupid fucks in the government. I mean really.. WHAT IN THE HELL would you need to take where I fucking surf? HUH? HUH?! Answer me that you FBI fucktard lap dog. FREE COUNTRY you jask ass. We've already got enough spy ware and you want to fuck my ass while I'm surfing for porn now? FUCK YOU, you son of a one legged whore named Cloie. I'm SO fucking sick of this government bull shit. THEY are the cause of 9/11.. THEY knew we would be at war with Iraq 2 YEARS before we did it.. WHO'S the God Damn Terroists now?! The fucking American government that's who. Hey current leaders of the the US!!! Listen to me.. GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A 16" RETRACTABLE BATTON!!!! Jesus.. perhaps with a good stiff stick up your ass, you'll be able to push that pea brain of yours into some place that it'll do some good. God, Terry Shivo had more brains then the current leaders of the Government.

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